Can my company get financial aid?

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As part of the Orne Digital Masterplan, Orne Council has introduced a system of grants to help businesses cover the cost of internet access in areas where the copper network is not compatible with ADSL.

Aid for companies not on the wireline network

Pending the bandwidth upgrade and the very high-speed local loop, Orne Council will cover a share of the cost of fitting satellite, Wimax and wireless local loop technologies (such as R’Lan). This aid is limited to €150 or €450, depending on whether or not beneficiaries purchase the connection kit. This policy aims to give everyone access to satisfactory speeds using wireless solutions. The replacement of equipment already subsidised by the Council, but which has since become obsolete (due to a change of satellite) is also eligible. Satellite dishes and other devices taken down can be recycled at waste collection centres.

Aid for companies for the high-speed and very high-speed wireline network

Orne Council also covers a share of the work required to for ADSL access for companies who will not, in the short term, benefit from the initiatives included in the Orne Digital Masterplan  Orne Council thus offers a grant worth 30% of a maximum budget of €50,000 excl. tax, i.e. a maximum grant of €15,000. This is available to small, medium and large companies, and to tradesmen and retailers.